Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Remember how some people said that we misunderstood U.S. Senator Rick Santorum a few months ago, when he argued that the Supreme Court should uphold state bans on private, consensual sexual relations between adults? Remember how some people said that Santorum was an "inclusive" Republican?

Guess not. He's still at it:

In the interview with the magazine GQ, Santorum, R-Pa., was asked what he would do if one of his six children told him of homosexual urges.

"I would treat it like I would any other thing my child comes to me with," Santorum answered. "Try to deal with it in a loving, supportive way."

He continued: "You try to point out to them what is the right thing to do. And we have many temptations to do things we shouldn't do. That doesn't mean we have to give in to those temptations..."

Dumbass. Would one of you Pennsylvanians run for the Senate, or something?
