This has to be stopped. Clearly, Kerry supporters are out of control. In a free society, conservatives should not be subjected to intimidating thuggish tactics like the indignities faced by The Corner's Elizabeth Fisher:
I just ran to get a sandwich at Cosi and noticed a young man in front of me holding a Bush/Cheney sign... When the woman behind the counter spitefully asked, "You're voting for Bush?" the young man replied, "Hey, I'm just holding the sign."... This little incident made me many Bush voters are intimidated by people like the sandwich lady?Ladies and gentlemen, this is the sort of thing you'd expect in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, not in America! In America, all of us have a voice, and the lowly janitor's vote counts just the same as the powerful Cosi Sandwich Lady's vote. Keep that in mind on November 2 when you participate in a democratic election.
My name is Famous Author Rob Byrnes, and I approve this message. Unless the mean ol' Cosi Sandwich Lady comes after me, in which case I deny any knowledge of it.
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