Friday, October 31, 2003

E-mail from my friend Chris, and a Halloween cautionary tale:

Not since Halloween night 15 years ago, when I saw a man dressed up as a line of cocaine (complete with one hand holding a huge rolled up $bill and the other holding a huge cardboard razor), conducting a sobriety test for a cop on the side of his car, have I seen a Halloween costume that so badly "hurt" the wearer.

This morning on my way to work on 57th street, there were 2 cops questioning and holding a guy. As I got closer, I made out the image that the guy was wearing a priest's collar and suit and had what looked like, a young boy whose upper body was covered in a plastic bag - all you saw were his little legs and sneakers. And as I passed the "spectacle", I heard one cop yelling "For Christ's sakes, it looks like you just abducted a kid, what the hell were you thinking?" and the guy, stammering "It is just a prop".

Of course, this was right by Howard Stern's building so, who knows...