Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Kirk Fordice, former governor of Mississippi and, of course, a staunch defender of conservative values and traditional virtue, has died.
"For too long in this freedom-loving land, cultural subversives have engaged in trench warfare on traditional American values," said Governor Kirk Fordice at the signing ceremony for the law, declaring the bill as a "significant step to protect the foundation of a healthy society".
-- GayLawNet

Governor Campbell leapt to the microphone to explain that of
course the nation's values come from our
"Judeo-Christian heritage. I just wanted to add the
Judeo part." Fordice glared at his Dixie colleague and
retorted sharply, "If I wanted to do that, I would have
done it."

His private life made headlines several times. In 1993, he revealed that he was having "irreconcilable differences" with his wife of 40 years, Pat. The first lady, through a terse press release, said she had no intention of getting a divorce.

Three years later, Fordice was seriously injured while driving back from his native Memphis, Tenn., where restaurant employees had seen him eating lunch and drinking wine with a woman believed to be Ann G. Creson, his high school sweetheart from Memphis.

In 1999, he was caught on television returning home from a vacation to France with Creson and cursed a television reporter. Days later, he announced that he and his wife were divorcing. He married Creson shortly after leaving office in January 2000, barred by term limits from seeking a third term. They later divorced.
--Associated Press

And another hypocrite moralist now gets a chance to see whether or not his God agreed with him.