Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I dunno... maybe this is like their use of the word 'turf,' which you'll recall has an extremely obscure usage of which I wasn't aware. Which is why I railed against it. Twice. Until corrected by some Scottish guy and Jess. (Jess, are you by any chance Scottish? That would explain a lot.)

So I won't mock without knowing all the facts.

Oh, the hell with it. Sure I will.

The sentence in question:
She then rhymed off several Bible verses she said backed up her claims.
"Rhymed off"? As they say in the Old Country, WTF?

Of course, maybe Ms. Jarboe did, in fact, 'rhyme off.' Perhaps her testimony went something like this:

Katrina was sent as God's wrath,
New Orleans was straight in its path,
Now the gays can't commence
Their Southern Decadence,
Pennsylvania's next! Just do the math.


I pray to God we never see,
A breach in Lebanon's levee.


Lebanese lesbians revel in sex,
Sodomites sodomize as a reflex,
God's sure to punish, that lesson is plain,
With Pennsylvania's very first hurricane.*

* - I know, I know. That's why they call it poetic license, kids. Get over it.

Or maybe is just embarrassingly wrong again. Yeah, I think that's it.

UPDATE: As That Scottish Guy notes in the comments, I was incorrect. For some reason I was wholly unfamiliar with the phrase, and -- while I did check dead-tree and on-line dictionaries before writing this entry -- I probably should have Googled the phrase before publishing. For the record, a Google of "Rhymed off" returns 1,180 hits, which makes it... well, let's just say that Googling "Famous Author Rob Byrnes" finds you 15,300 web pages, which means that while 'rhymed off' is, indeed, a phrase, it is a phrase of such obscurity that you are 13 times more likely to be familiar with me.

Therefore, while I am wrong, I'm not really wrong.

Also, Scottish people are no longer welcome here, but that's something I'll address in person over fisticuffs cocktails.