Monday, March 17, 2008

The other day, the Lambda Literary Foundation announced its finalists for 2007 awards. I know you will be disappointed to hear this, but I was overlooked for a Lifetime Achievement Award. What can I tell you; life sucks.

Uh... on a more serious note, one book should have been a finalist, but wasn't. I can sort of understand how that went down: it was nominated in the Men's Romance and Men's Fiction categories, but it wasn't a romance and the general fiction category was crowded with quality nominees. Still, this book was the best-written novel I read in 2007, and it deserves recognition.

So do yourself a favor and read When You Don't See Me by Timothy James Beck (the psudonym used by the writing team of Becky Cochrane, Timothy J. Lambert, Tim Forry, and Jim Carter.) It is an awesome, powerful novel.

The Good News is that a couple of the friends of FARB did make the cut. So congratulations to Andrew W. M. Beierle, finalist in the Men's Fiction category for his novel First Person Plural; and Greg Herren, whose Murder in the Rue Chartres is a finalist for Men's Mystery.

Go get'em, guys! And congratulations to all the other finalists!